Amidst the doom and gloom, healthcare is set to be a promising sector offering abundant employment opportunities. Health Minister Mr Khaw Boon Wan has said that there are 4,500 job vacancies in the public health sector to be filled over the next two years, ranging from nurses, pharmacists to administrative staff.
Training grants and schemes have been set aside to continually improve our healthcare standards in Singapore, and the East Asia Institute of Management (EASB) has launched a nursing degree in conjunction with the Queen Margaret University, which has been accredited by the Singapore Nursing Board .
This new programme will help to address the current shortage of qualified nurses, and contribute to the government's target of having 25% of nurses holding a degree by 2015. The first intake of 30 students will start their 2-year course in April 2009, and will graduate in 2011. EASB expects between 70 and 100 nurses to graduate annually after this initial batch.
“The demand for trained nurses currently lags supply worldwide. We are therefore very timely in offering this programme now as the need for trained and qualified nurses is stronger than ever due to Singapore’s goal of becoming a healthcare hub and in view of the fast ageing population worldwide,” said Dr. Andrew Chua the Executive Chairman and Principal of EASB.
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